Sunday, January 20, 2008


Will with his favorite "silky" blanket.

Will swinging with his Wooitz toy.

Will and Drew tonight with Will's big Elmo that he got for Christmas from Grammie Green & Elmer.

Drew made a fort with blankets and chairs & invited Will in.

Mommy & Drew.

Christmas morning.

Cousin Reanna, Drew and Will in NH @ Phyllis & Grampa Minery's house.

Bethany reading to Will.

Since both boys celebrate their birthdays on the 9th of a month. On January 9th Will turned 4 months and Drew turned 5 1/2 years old!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! We had lots of fun with Will and Drew on Christmas! We stayed in Maine, we stayed home Christmas morning, then we spent some time @ Drew and Will's Great Grammie Black's house and then spent the afternoon @ their Grampa Bill's and Debi's house. The weekend after Christmas we ventured to NH to spend time with Gary's family.

Will has been doing a lot better riding in the car, the trip to NH was a pretty good ride:) Unfortunately though, Will's good sleeping habits changed when he was about 2 1/2 months old. He started waking up every 1-3 hours and did not seem to like going in his crib. We have had very little sleep around here and I am exhausted from getting up to nurse him throughout the night. So we consulted with Will's pediatrician @ his 4 month check up and he assured us it was ok to start the Ferber method. Will just seems so little, but frustrated from our lack of sleep and knowing that Will needs to establish some good sleeping habits - we gave in. The Ferber method is letting your baby "cry it out" in his crib, however you go in every 5-15 minutes and soothe him. So we started a bedtime routine of bath (some nights anyway when we can squeeze it in!), baby massage, reading, nursing and rocking Will. The first night Will cried quite a bit. Drew and I cried a little too. It is heart breaking to let him cry. Drew actually snuck out of his bed and I peaked in and saw him rubbing Will's head and saying "it's ok baby". Will ended up sleeping for 5 hours straight! The 2nd night Will cried less than the first night! So although it was emotionally draining, we are all starting to get some sleep again and even little Will seems a bit more refreshed in the morning :)

Speaking of 4 months, Will now weighs 15.9 lbs (50th%) and is 26 inches long (90th%), his head measures in the 50th% also. He is now rolling over from tummy to back and trying so hard to roll from back to tummy, he laughs a lot (!), loves to sit up with support and watch everything, and is doing all sorts of other amazing things. We also got the ok to start Will on some rice cereal...we'll let you know how that goes!

I would probably say that one of Will's most favorite things right now is Drew. He is just fascinated with him and Drew has really taken on a wonderful big brother role. They adore each other. Drew makes Will laugh all the time, it is sooo sweet!

Drew has been doing great also, he has really lost his baby look and is growing up into such a big cute boy. He is starting to read and write a lot more now. He still enjoys Kindergarten, reading, drawing, working with daddy and dressing up like a super hero! He has mentioned an interest in Snowboarding and Karate...we'll see Drew:)

Drew is always saying some funny things...yesterday we had company and Gary started tickling Drew. Drew said "you better stop or your going to get me to act wild". *Drew dressed up like Superman the other day and started jumping around on the chairs in front of Will, Will was laughing hysterically! It was so funny!!! *Drew's Nanny Peek is always trying to get him to talk to her on the phone (she lives in NM), today he said I can't talk right now I am a really busy kid!

In the past month Will has met some family members that include his Great Grammie Pearl (Gary's grandmother) in NH, his cousin Reanna in NH, and his 2nd cousin Jackson from Portland, ME. We are also excited that we have a new baby boy cousin on the way!!!

We miss everyone that is away and wish we could see you more :( Love you lots, Shasta, Gary, Drew and Will

Oh yeah - GO PATRIOTS!!!! Yahoo!

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