Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Fall!

Hi Everyone, time has been flying by! I can't believe that the Summer is over, Drew is in 1st grade and Will has started his 2nd year! We had a fun summer full of - the beach, the water park @ our house for Drew and his friends, cookouts, fairs, & lots of outside fun! We also took a little trip to Portsmouth, NH and stayed on the ocean and took the kids to York's Wild Kingdom. We had some special visits, Drew & Will's Nanny Peek & Koda came to visit from New Mexico and also Auntie Nicole came for a visit from LA!

Drew & Will's latest:
Drew: Drew is a sweet boy. He is getting taller and really turning into a little boy. He has really lost his little baby look and is now such a smart little first grader! He even has Math Homework and reading every week! He is still doing very well in school and seems "eager to please" his teachers. I guess that is a good thing! Drew is still doing karate and now has 3 stripes on his white belt, he is very focused on it and still has the goal of getting a black belt (his teacher told me that if he keeps it up then he probably will get a black belt when he is a teenager!). Drew has started going to Sunday School more regularly and is participating in the Soccer Clinic program through his school. He is a busy little boy! His favorite things right now are: Pokemon cards, drawing & art, reading, playing outside with friends and karate! Drew also is getting very interested in money and how to get more of it - he has started selling some of his double pokemon cards on ebay and is making some money! Future entrepreneur???

Will: Will is just so fun and lovable! He is a little rascal at times and gets into everything that he shouldn't! At Will's one year check up he was 29 1/2 inches (5oth %), 19 lbs, 10 oz (10th %) and his head circ was in the 30th %. The doctor said he is doing excellent! Will is walking everywhere now, sometimes even running to try to keep up with Drew. He babbles a lot and says "Ma" and "Da" when he wants us. He loves balls, outside, bathtime, Drew, Mommy & Daddy. He loves music & books. Will & I joined a music together class with other babies and moms or dads. We listen to music, sing, play instruments and dance - it is actually really fun and Will loves it! Will also has started to have a great interest in books! I have always read to Will but until just recently did he really start expressing his love for books. He loves to pull them off his bookcase and put them back in, he loves to just sit there by himself and look through his books and he loves to be read to! Yes, Will is pretty much sleeping through the night, he sometimes still wakes up randomly and lets out a scream, but goes right back to sleep in his crib. He is also starting to nap better - it was just such a long year with little sleep, but we made it!!!! :)

Hope you are all well and I will try to post more often! Love Shasta, Gary, Drew & Will

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