Friday, December 5, 2008

Drew & Will: The past couple of months have been busy! Time just flies by! Will is almost 15 months and Drew is such a big 1st grader! Drew's loves right now are: Nintendo Wii, reading, drawing LOTS and he is soooo good at it!, he loves Will, karate, basketball, getting ready for Christmas, Star Wars... Will loves Drew, talking (he says what's this, mama, da, dog, hi, vroom - all of these words are not crystal clear, but we have figured it out!), he loves to point, loves climbing and getting into anything and everything that he should not, loves the wiggles, outside play, balls, animals and is generally very happy but has a little bit of a temper when he does not get his way - Gary says he is like me - huh???

Off to bed, hope you are all having fun getting ready for Christmas!
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1 comment:

Judy said...

Beautiful little boys. Love, Aunt Judy