Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cold and Snowy Maine

Drew with his Snowboard.

Mommy & Drew heading up the hill after sledding.

It has been really cold and snowy here! Currently it is 32 degrees F, which is warm for us:( Lots of snow storms, although here on the coast we don't have as much snow as up North - a friend of ours told us they have over 3 feet of snow in their yard!!!

We have made it out to go sledding a few times. Drew tried out his new snowboard, but seems to like sledding a little better for now:)

During school vacation week Drew had his first trip to Chuckee Cheese and loved it of course. We also spent some time with Drew and Will's 2nd cousins. They seemed to have a great time! It was so neat to see the 2nd cousins together since BJ and I used to spend so much time when we were little with my cousins Krissy and Andy. And now our kids are playing together.

Drew still keeps in touch with 2 of his friends from day care/preschool. He had one of them over during his school break. The 3 boys were together from the age of 1 until the summer before Kindergarten and had a great bond.

Will is getting so big and seems to change daily. He loves to smile and laugh, loves sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and oat meal. He is now sitting up without support (for a few seconds anyway) and talks a lot! He is still not a great sleeper or napper. But, looking back Drew had a lot of the same sleeping patterns that Will has and now for the most part Drew is a great sleeper. So I guess I just need to give him some time! Will has his 6 month check up next week so I'll update you all again later. Take care, Shasta

2nd Cousins: Jackson (8 mo), Dawson (12 mo), Cayden (3 yr), Drew (5 1/2 yr) & Will (5 mo)

Great Grammie Johnson with 5 of her 6 Great Grand-Children!

Yes, all of her 6 Great Grand-Children are boys!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Shasta!!! It's Sherri! Love the pictures, Drew & Will are so cute. Aunt Janie sent me this blog. I have a my space page if you want to check it out have lots of pic's on it!

Anonymous said...

Good words.