Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Spring! Happy Easter!

Will just loved putting this grass thru his little fingers.

Yeah - Spring is finally here! It has been a long winter here with lots of snow and lots of cold days. Will & I were in the house for a good part of the winter so we are looking forward to some walks and outside time :)

Will @ 6 months: Will is doing all kinds of new things. He now sits up independently, babbles constantly - he even said mama the other night! He now sleeps on his tummy - refusing to sleep on his back, I was flipping him over throughout the night so he would sleep on his back, but I gave up on that. He seems to enjoy sleeping on his tummy and sleeps longer now. Other new things - he is rolling everywhere to get places and loves to play with his little toys and yes - Drew is still his favorite person! At his 6 month checkup - he weighed in at 17 lbs 5 oz and was 27 inches long! He is not eating as much baby food - actually keeping his mouth closed when I try to feed him; he grabs for the spoon - maybe he is ready for bigger things? Oh yeah, he has 2 teeth now!

Drew is dong great also. We had a parent teacher conference and his teacher had nothing but great things to say. Drew is reading and writing a lot, he read a book to Will the other night all by himself and was actually sounding out words! He completed a basketball clinic thru his school for 4 weekends and really loved it! He is now in swimming lessons once a week and is enjoying that.

We hosted an Easter Egg hunt @ our house on Saturday. We hid over 400 plastic filled eggs and had about 20 kids come. The kids had a blast and then played outside together for a bit. Today Gary & 2 others cooked breakfast for approx 80 people for the Sunrise Service. He said it was lots of fun (Gary loves to cook), the kids and I did not make it out to the breakfast- the 3 of us ended up sleeping in until 7:30 (late for us!). Then we went to church and had an Easter Dinner at my Grandmother Black's house just down the road from us. Drew & Will had matching outfits on for Easter and looked adorable! Will had a great time with his little basket pulling the grass and gifts out and Drew had the best time with his black spiderman costume he got! We ended the day with a visit from Grampa Bill and Debi. Happy Easter everyone!


Judy said...

Adorable pictures Shasta. Thank you. Judy

Judy said...

Just checking for new pics- hope you are all feeling better. Love, Judy